
使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

在本文中,我们将演示使用Data Extractor来识别使用FileVault加密的Macintosh系统中的加密密钥位置。我们还将分享一些使用Data Extractor的技巧和方法。
In this article, we will demonstrate using Data Extractor to identify encryption key location in the Macintosh system encrypted with FileVault. We will also share some tips and techniques for using Data Extractor for maximum effectiveness.

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

We started by exploring the ‘(Mac OS X) Boot Recovery HD’ disk for a while we noticed there was the encryption key for FileVault partition.

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

This key is applied when we enter the password for FileVault partition. It’s called ‘EncryptedRoot.plist.wipekey’ and located in ‘com.apple.corestorage’ folder.

We were getting this file and saving in the special place on the local disk.

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

For some cases, this file can be located in another place or be removed.

Our goal is to upload this file when we enter the password for encrypted partition, so although we don’t where this file is written to, we know the exact name of the file and can find it in another place.

When the file was deleted or the partition was formatted we use ‘Scan Catalog file’ option or ‘Partition analysis’, respectively.

We created a map of encrypted partition.

当您为加密的分区创建位图时,有一个重要的参数:Data Extractor要求您创建驱动器的子位图。它看起来像这样:
This is an important parameter when you create a map for encrypted partition: Data Extractor asks you to create submap of the drive. It looks like this:

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

关键在于,FileVault解密程序对扇区位置非常敏感。当我们创建驱动器的子映射时,扇区将被转移,而Data Extractor无法找到支持扇区并对分区进行解密。所以,我们的选择是“不”。
The point is that FileVault decryption procedure is sensitive to sectors location. When we create submap of the drive, sectors are shifted and Data Extractor can’t find support sectors and decrypt the partition. So, our selection is ‘NO’.

Applied map as encrypted disk and enter the password.

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

That regenerated the following report:

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

Finally, we were getting the file structure:

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

And could open files:

使用PC-3000 Data Extractor解密Apple FileVault实例

Please keep your eyes on these features when you can’t decrypt FileVault partition using Data Extractor. It might not be a common issue but we hope it helped you in some cases.

Happy data recovering!

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