

Seagate is now the largest manufacturer of hard disk drives. So there are many families associated with Seagate.

Some users select falimy randomly and get following output in the terminal:

We will explain how to overcome this problem using PC-3000.

Seagate has created two architectures for HDDs:

  1. Classical archicture;
  2. F3 architecture.

新的驱动器系列主要基于ATA硬盘驱动器的机械和内核,但大部分固件微架构已根据Seagate SCSI驱动器中使用的设计进行了修订。特别是ROM已经被扩展和补充,其功能使得控制器板能够在没有附加HDA的情况下以ATA模式工作。此外,制造商将自适应数据和HDD ID信息移动到ROM,因为与HDA断开的板可以经由ATA接口返回包含正确HDD信息的HDD ID。
The new drive family is largely based on the mechanics and kernel from ATA hard drives, but a large part of firmware microarchitecture has been revised in accordance with the design used in Seagate SCSI drives. In particular, ROM has been extended and supplemented with functionality which enables the controller board to function in ATA mode without the HDA attached. Furthermore, the manufacturer moved to ROM adaptive data and HDD ID information due to the that fact a board disconnected from the HDA can return, via the ATA interface, HDD ID containing correct HDD information.
然而,结合这种组合的有用效果,新架构也从其父系中继承了许多问题。特别地,它包括与翻译器损坏相关的许多问题(SCSI HDD的典型问题)。
However, together with useful effects of that combination, the new architecture also inherited a number of problems from both its parent lines. In particular, it includes a number of problems related to translator corruption (issues typical of SCSI HDD).

Most easier way to distinguish Classical and F3 architectures is FW version.

Classical architecture has dot in FW version like on this screenshot

So in this case based on information from model and FW number we can select properly utility and family. For classical families we advise to start utility first, then set the drive into Safe mode:

After that only select family and power on.

You will know that the drive is in Safe mode when see following terminal output:

Next step is to create loader from this drive to fix pending bug of FW microcode:

通常我们建议仅保存部分驱动器微码:Application code.
Usually we advise to save only part of drive microcode: Application code.

希捷我们在Data Extractor中用激活实用程序来创建任务:
Then we have to create task in Data Extractor with active utility:

And select app modification to fix pending bug

Drive initializes

Finally drive gets into ready state and shows ID:

To verify heads build head map:

当驱动器进入就绪状态时,我们可以通过ATA在Data Extractor中创建磁头位图:
When the drive comes to ready state we can build head map via ATA in Data Extractor:

Check that file structure is available:

And sectors are opened:


转载请注明:成都千喜数据恢复中心 » 使用PC3000解决希捷Classical架构硬盘的常见问题

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