
使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘”MCMTFileHandler: EXCEPTION: Failed MCMT read request”错误的数据恢复

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

Hello Friends! Recently we’ve got a case where we saw the next message in utility terminal tab after drive’s power on:

MCMTFileHandler: EXCEPTION: Failed MCMT read request

We see such cases pretty often here in support, so let’s see what can be done to bypass this error and get the full drive’s ID and user data access.

As we know, MC (MediaCache) – A temporary non-user addressable storage on magnetic media used to buffer incoming or outgoing data. If the drive works a lot, the MediaCache area can be written not correct, and the appropriate system file (vol.0x03 File ID 0x0346), related to the MediaCache, becomes unreadable. Let’s view that in real drive.
正如我们所知道的,MC (MediaCache) – 磁介质上用于缓冲输入或输出数据的临时非用户可寻址存储器。如果驱动器工作时间太长,那么MediaCache区域会写入错误,以及相应的系统文件 (vol.0x03 File ID 0x0346),与MediaCache相关,变得无法读取。 让我们看看真正的驱动。

The drive ST500DM002 starts good, spinning without any bad sounds, but can not read the ID, and shows the next error in terminal:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

If we try to check the 346 system file using the reading command, we can see the next output:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

which means that 346 system file is readable. But the reading command (F3 T>r) is checking only  a few sectors at the beginning of the system file, so we can not be sure if the whole system file is really good. So we need to check it manually using the reading thru the terminal. We go to Tools->Utility extensions->Service information objects:
这意味着346个系统文件是可读的。但是读取命令(F3 T>r)只检查系统文件开头的几个扇区,所以我们不能确定整个系统文件是否真的很好.所以我们需要手动地使用读取终端来检查它.使用Tools->Utility extensions->Service information objects:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

and then in System File tab enter the File ID we want to check:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘


To make the reading faster we can increase the COM-port speed before:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

As we can see at the next screenshot, the reading has stopped at block 129 from 321, and the system file was not read:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

Looks like we have found the problem: 346 sysfile, which is necessary for drive initialization, is bad, and we need to fix it to make the drive work. But what if system heads can not write in Service Area? We can check the writing by following the next manual.

So, we have checked that both system heads can write good, and now we can try to fix the bad sysfile. The good news is we can use the same system file from the same drive family donor. The bad news is the damaged system file can be unreadable because of physical bad sector in SA, and in this case there is nothing can be done to get the drive to work.

Let’s try to write the 346 system file from another Pharaoh drive. I filled it with 00 before to make the drive initializing faster.

It’s always good to have the resource backups in stock. If you have no compatible backups yet, you can download the 346 for Pharaoh and Grenada by pressing the links.
有好的资源备份。如果你还没有兼容的备份,你可以在这个下载r PharaohGrenada 家族的346文件。

To write the donor’s sysfile we press the Load button:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

Then select and write the donor’s system file using the Write data to HDD button:

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘

When the writing ends, we refresh the 346 sysfile and see that we were lucky and there are no bad sectors in sysfile’s body, and 346 has been written good and can be readable again.

So we restart the drive, wait for readiness, and get the full ID and sector access!

使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘


转载请注明:成都千喜数据恢复中心 » 使用PC-3000 for HDD. Seagate F3.修复希捷硬盘”MCMTFileHandler: EXCEPTION: Failed MCMT read request”错误的数据恢复

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  1. 谢谢。
    makehwp2017-08-25 15:04
  2. 歇息分享。。。。。
    kk6012017-09-26 16:00
  3. 看看是什么东东,不会又打不开吧
    huangzhen2017-10-25 17:49
  4. 看看是什么东东,不会又打不开吧
    cf79593672017-10-31 18:00
  5. 我的硬盘也提示这个错误
    summersy2017-12-21 13:26
  6. 感谢感谢分享我的硬盘也这样
    wang2784575322017-12-28 17:03
  7. 感谢好帖子分享大神们
    dongzi10292018-01-23 22:37
  8. 好资料 先收藏谢谢贵站
    fkuedcyq2018-02-16 20:04
  9. 提示Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC
    my_a82018-03-05 07:29
  10. 感谢楼主分享,学习了......
    dingtan20072018-03-05 18:23
  11. 为什么老是这样,发表了评论怎么老是看不了呢
    qweasd1119992018-03-27 16:18
  12. MCMT错误新盘很常见,谢谢分享!
    huihai1234562018-04-17 15:24
  13. 好好学习。谢谢分享~
    lenovowugs2018-05-04 09:00
  14. 正好月到这个问题。学习了
    DLDLDLDL2018-06-12 15:11
  15. 正好约到这个问题学习了
    DLDLDLDL2018-06-27 16:38
  16. 谢谢大神分享 认真虚心学习中
    jekey2018-07-27 18:11
  17. EMM。遇到类似的问题 但又不太一样。学习学习。感谢分享
    yumiao2018-08-13 21:20
  18. 看看是什么东东,不会又打不开吧
    1821811482018-08-27 23:00
  19. 感谢楼主分享 :mrgreen:
    kdj100042018-10-09 03:21
  20. 看看瞧瞧,发了回复还是看不到,这是什么情况哦 😡
    1855492019-05-24 19:24
  21. 感谢好帖子分享大神们
    castiel19742019-07-15 14:07
  22. 谢谢分享 学习一下,支持技术更新
    melanding2019-08-29 16:20
  23. 感谢感谢分享我的硬盘也这样
    138473060082019-08-31 23:34
  24. 好东西,大家都学习下!
    52013142020-06-20 11:54
  25. 感谢好帖子分享大神们,很受用
    1173617782020-08-05 19:12
  26. 我的硬盘也提示这个错误
    666666666666666666662020-11-19 11:00
  27. 感谢分享 真的学到了知识
    15313550422022-09-04 00:38
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