
Flash Extractor用户手册-FAT 16文件分配表

FAT 16 table

FAT table is used for determination of condition of clusters and for searching next cluster of file or catalog.

One record about condition of cluster uses 2 bytes (16 bits) in FAT16.
The first sector of FAT16 table starts with signature F8 FF.
FAT16表的第一个扇区以签名F8 FF开头。

Free space is marked with signature 00 00. The end of the file is marked with signature FF F8 – FF FF. The damaged cluster is marked with signature FF F7

Searching for file tables using Hex Editor:

F8FFFF/h – put to find the first sector of FAT tables
F8FFFF / h – 找到FAT表的第一个扇区

0107020703070407/h – put to find the 7th sector of FAT tables.
0107020703070407/h – 找到第七扇区的FAT表。

There is the special view of the first three sectors of FAT16 table on the picture above.

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