
使用PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition恢复RAID中VMFS卷的虚拟机数据

Using Data Extractor RAID Edition, we are able to identify special RAID configurations and extract data from virtual machines on RAID arrays.
使用Data Extractor RAID Edition,我们能够识别特殊的 RAID 配置和从虚拟机上 RAID 阵列中提取数据。

Data Extractor RAID Edition supports SPECIAL-VMFS level for manipulations with VMFS spanned across multiple disks
Data Extractor RAID Edition支持特别的VMFS级别的操作与VMFS跨越多个磁盘;

These virtual machines created with VMware or other products typically use virtual disks.
通常用 VMware 或其他产品创建这些虚拟机使用的虚拟磁盘。

The virtual disks, stored as files on the host computer or on a remote storage device, appear to the guest operating systems as standard disk drives.

We will show in this topic how to assemble RAID with virtual machines on 4 disks with VMFS volume.
我们将本主题中展示如何重建RAID与4 磁盘VMFS卷上的虚拟机进行服务器数据恢复工作。

We do this using a little knowledge of the RAID array architecture which we then combine with the metadata autodetection of Data Extractor RAID Edition.
我们使用RAID阵列体系结构,然后Data Extractor RAID Edition结合元数据自动检测进行数据解析。

To start with we will need:
首先我们将需要 ︰
1. Firstly add all RAID disks

2. Open RAID constructor and run Autodetection based on RAID metadata

One RAID configuration was found
一种 RAID 配置被发现

使用PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition恢复RAID中VMFS卷的虚拟机数据
3. Go to RAID Metadata tab and edit found configuration
3.转到RAID元数据选项卡上,编辑发现的配置(Edit configuration)

4. Now file structure is available

5. Open virtual machine. Right-click on largest .vmdk and select “Add virtual drive (MAP)”
5.打开虚拟机文件.vmdk 右击并选择”添加虚拟驱动器 Add virtual drive (MAP 图)”

It was added

使用PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition恢复RAID中VMFS卷的虚拟机数据
6. File structure on virtual machine is available now and you can save files and folders

使用PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition恢复RAID中VMFS卷的虚拟机数据

转载请注明:成都千喜数据恢复中心 » 使用PC-3000 DE. Data Extractor RAID Edition恢复RAID中VMFS卷的虚拟机数据

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